Hive Mind Automation

How to install an OS on Raspberry Pi CM4 eMMC

For use with Home Assistant Yellow – The Hard Way – macOS/Linux Edition

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When you buy a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4, with eMMC storage there’s no Operating System on the board at all, and being that the eMMC is soldered to the board, it’s not like we can easily take it out and flash an image to it like we can with the micro-SD cards from a Regular Raspberry Pi.

There’s a number of steps and pre-requisites to prepare a CM4 for booting. This process works for installing ANY image on the CM4, not just for Home Assistant.

Software Pre-Requisites

  • Xcode Command Line Tools installed on your Mac (Mac Only)
    • run xcode-select --install from your Terminal
  • HomeBrew installed on your macOS Device (Mac Only)

Hardware Pre-Requisites

Preparing the I/O Board

There’s a few steps to prepare the I/O Board before we can flash an OS onto the eMMC storage.

Install a pin Jumper in the first position on J2 to prevent booting from eMMC. This jumper allows you to mount and flash the eMMC storage just like a regular SD Card

Install the Raspberry Pi CM4 into the I/O Board

The CM4 takes a bit more pressure to click into place than you expect, to the point of being slightly concerning, but once it’s installed, it’s challenging to get out of the socket.


If making use of a Raspberry Pi PoE+ hat for powering the I/O board, install it onto the I/O Board. The PoE+ hat comes with stand-offs and screws to fix it into place.

Installing some Software dependencies

We need to install some Software dependencies before we can mount the eMMC storage. We’ll be using the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s usbboot tool

To do this, on macOS you’ll need to have homebrew and git command line tools installed per the Software Pre-Requisites above


libusb is essentially a USB “driver” that will allow us to mount the eMMC storage.

To install libusb, provided you’ve got Homebrew installed on your Mac, simply run:

brew install libusb

if you’re on Linux, use your regular package manager, like apt.

sudo apt install git libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config


Another dependency for the usb-boot tool from the Raspberry Pi Foundation is pkg-config

Like with libusb, it’s fairly simple to install”

brew install pkg-config

again for Linux, use your regular package manager

Downloading the Raspberry Pi foundation usbboot tool.

In order to mount the eMMC storage, we’ll need to download and build the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s usbboot tool.

from your command line, change into a working directory, and then run

git clone --depth=1

Once that’s completed cloning cd into the usbboot directory:

cd usbboot

Building the usbboot tool

Now we need to build the usbboot tool

The Raspberry Pi Foundation have made this really simple with a Makefile
Simply run:


After about a minute, the build will be completed, and you’ll notice some new files in the folder.

Mounting the eMMC Storage

To mount the eMMC Storage, we need to plug in the microSD cable to the I/O board, power up the I/O board, and then we need to run the usbboot tool


and after a moment, the eMMC Storage will be mounted, and available for flashing.

Flashing the OS onto the Storage

The rest of the flashing process is the same as a regular SD card.

Using Raspberry Pi Imager, or your favourite card flashing utility, simply select the “RPi-MSD-001” storage option and then write the image to the storage.


As you can see, there’s a few steps to preparing a CM4 for imaging. If you’re not comfortable using the Command Line, then this is probably not the process for you.

There’s a MUCH easier way to get Home Assistant installed onto a CM4 to use with Home Assistant Yellow.

That said, this process works with ANY Raspberry Pi Image, not just Home Assistant, so it has the added advantage of being more universally functional.

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